Relief Efforts
Disaster Relief
When a disaster strikes, Lions respond and mobilize to assist the community — whether the emergency affects a few people or thousands. Lions are encouraged to work with local authorities in preparing for and responding to natural, man-made or healthcare disasters.
In March 2009, Lions Clubs International signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This partnership encourages Lions to participate in IFRC disaster preparedness training and planning.
There are numerous opportunities to receive disaster preparedness training: working on a Community Advisory Council, arranging blood drives, pinpointing vulnerable populations that would require extra help in case of disaster, helping with community-wide emergency drills and educating the public about pandemic flu viruses.
Disaster Relief
When a disaster strikes, Lions respond and mobilize to assist the community — whether the emergency affects a few people or thousands…